Cantiere Nautico Maestrale RIB comes from the passion and expertise of Marcello Sorrentino who learned this trade from his father Umberto, who was already building fiberglass boats in Palermo in the 1960s

In 1995 the decision was taken to create its own line under its own brand, resulting in the Maestrale brand that soon became synonymous with original and accurate design.


Cantiere Nautico Maestrale RIB excellent craftsmanship in the production of inflatable boats demonstrating high professionalism and competence thanks to years of experience in the nautical field.

The Maestrale boats are appreciated for their excellent seaworthiness, speed and quality of construction, as well as for their function and aesthetic appeal which distinguishes them to great acclaim.


The boatyard Maestrale Rib It is one of the very few which today have the ability and expertise to manage their own production of boats from design to finished product.

Maestrale RIB is a company that aims more for the quality than for the quantity of boats produced